What can I offer you? My services are private cash pay only. You will received an invoice with insurance billing codes you may send to your insurance for reimbursement.
If you would like help filing on your insurance for reimbursement, try this site out: https://reimbursify.com/
Mental Health Evaluation $250.00
Includes interview and report
Marriage Counseling $100.00 each session
Individual 50 minute Session $75.00 each session
sessions are client focused
Video Sessions $75.00 each session
Individual $120 each or $300 3 session package
Couples $150 each or $400 3 session package
Court Ordered Counseling:
Reports or certificate given upon completion
Adoption Study $600.00 each study
Includes full legal report and home study
Parenting 8hr. $150.00 total
8 Hour CourseAnger Management $120.00 initial session
- 1 Intake Session & 2 Follow-up Sessions
- 5-hour workbook
16 Hour Course $60 each additional sessionSex Offender Evaluation $450.00 each
- 1 Intake Session & 3 Follow-up Sessions
- 12-hour workbook
- 26 Hour Course
- 1 Intake Session & 6 Follow-up Sessions
- 20-hour workbook
- 40 Hour Course (Family Violence Content included)
- 1 Intake Session & 10 Follow-up Sessions
- 20-hour workbook
- 10-hour Family Violence workbook
- Substance Abuse $150.00 initial session
- 48 Hour Course $60 each additional session
- 1 Complete Assessment
- 1 Intake Session & 15 Follow-up Sessions
- 24-hour workbook
- Support group requirements
Sex Offender Risk Assessment $200.00 each
- Mental Status
- Clinical Interview
- Social/Developmental history
- Personality Assessment
- Risk/Sexual behaviors
- Mental Status
- Clinical Interview
- Risk/Sexual behaviors
- Sex Offender Treatment $100.00 each session
- Must have evaluation on file
- Course materials not included
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